sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

Qual é o teu maior desejo?


There are so many things going on in your mind. You wonder what all of them mean, what you really want, who you really want to be with, etc.
You question yourself often. You want to know who you really are, and you want to define yourself.
This is a personal journey that most people experience.
Keep doing what makes you feel good and what induces the least amount of anxiety and questions. Express yourself in every way possible. You don't need to define yourself, you just need to answer some important questions. It will all come in time.

2 comentários:


    There are so many things going on in your mind. You wonder what all of them mean, what you really want, who you really want to be with, etc. You question yourself often. You want to know who you really are, and you want to define yourself. This is a personal journey that most people experience. Keep doing what makes you feel good and what induces the least amount of anxiety and questions. Express yourself in every way possible. You don't need to define yourself, you just need to answer some important questions. It will all come in time.

    Talvez sim, Talvez Não ...

  2. You want to BE PERFECT

    You find yourself often wishing that you were better looking, better at this, better at that, wishing that people liked you more. You may think this is you pushing yourself, but you are putting yourself down. No one is perfect; everyone has flaws. You should learn to accept yours and only improve the ones that can be improved. Wishing for impossible things will only make you feel bad, because deep down you know they will never happen. There are people who will accept you for who you are, and that is really all that matters, right?


Diz-me qual o teu ritual..

Todo e qualquer comentário com ofensas e má educação serão eliminados, por isso, se for essa a sua intenção nem vale a pena escrever.