terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2008

Que tipo de chá és?

Quem me conhece um pouquinho sabe que este teste é a minha cara!!
Sou uma adoradora de chás... Há poucos chás que não gosto.
Quando bebo chá tem que ser em "balde" como dizem cá em casa... Adoro chá!!!
Achei que iria ser Chá Mate!! O meu chá preferido... Mas afinal não... Sou chá verde!! Que também é muito bom...
You Are Green Tea

You are a well balanced person. You don't have many highs or lows in your life.
You enjoy bursts of creative energy and productivity. But you also enjoy your downtime.
You are insightful and philosophical. You don't take much personally.
You are at peace with who you are. You don't have an inflated sense of self.

6 comentários:

  1. You are Chai tea
    There are many subtle sides to your personality. You are difficult to decode.
    You are a complex and deep individual. You have many nuanced beliefs, and your mood frequently changes.
    You are a creative and expressive person. You draw your inspiration from the whole world.
    You enjoy exotic food, music, and travel. Your tastes are very international.

    Sim, concordo...sou definitivamente chai, seja lá o que isso for...lol
    A parte da comida exótica é que já é mais complicado...chinês é mais exótico a que me atrevo :-)

    Jinhos duma cidade quase vazia...só falta o "quase" :-)

  2. You Are White Tea

    You are quite delicate and very sensitive. You are easily overwhelmed.
    Peace and serenity are important to you. You shy away from intensity of any sort.

    You appreciate a simple quiet moment. You can relax easily without feeling bored.
    You take the time to enjoy life. Even when things are busy, you make the time.

    Tem qualquer coisa a ver comigo, quanto á tranquilidade ... é discutivel ... é algo que não faz mto o meu género, mas ... talvez venha a ser Tranquila ....


  3. Também sou green. Mas tu és a shrecka!

  4. I'm BLACK... black tea!!!
    You have a bold personality.
    You're not afraid of simply being yourself.
    You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.
    You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.
    You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!

    Verdade... acho que é mesmo verdade!!!

  5. You Are Iced Tea
    You are very active and energetic. You enjoy keeping busy!
    You can handle difficult tasks well. You do what needs to be done without a lot of fuss.

    You are casual, welcoming, and unpretentious. You are approachable and friendly.
    And while you are laid back, you aren't sloppy. You are poised and understated.

  6. You Are Black Tea

    You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself.
    You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions.

    You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you.
    You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person!


Diz-me qual o teu ritual..

Todo e qualquer comentário com ofensas e má educação serão eliminados, por isso, se for essa a sua intenção nem vale a pena escrever.