terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2008

Qual dos 5 sentidos és?

O olfacto é sem duvida o meu sentido mais apurado...

You Are the Sense of Smell

You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.
You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.

3 comentários:

  1. You Are the Sense of Sound

    You love to talk, but you also love to listen.
    You are simply a natural conversationalist.
    You can have a deep conversation that lasts for hours and come out of it feeling energized.

    You have a good ear for foreign languages and accents of all sorts.
    You can imitate people quite well.
    You also are a huge lover of music. You probably love music more than most people you know.

  2. You Are the Sense of Smell

    You appreciate the smaller things in life that few people notice.
    You notice subtle changes just as they happen.
    You're the first one to know if the seasons are changing or if the cookies are done.

    You love new environments, and you can recall all the places you've been.
    You have a sharp memory, and you are often nostalgic for the past.
    You enjoy traveling internationally. You have an easy time taking in a new place.



Diz-me qual o teu ritual..

Todo e qualquer comentário com ofensas e má educação serão eliminados, por isso, se for essa a sua intenção nem vale a pena escrever.